16 Types Personality
Have you ever heard about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI assessment?
That is about the way you opt to gain energy, acquire information, make choices and live your life. Please keep in mind the word “opt to”.Now, I might ask you to cross your arm. Which arm do you place on top? Left or right?
You likely did not even think, “Which arm do I place on top?”
you’ve got a natural preference for the way you cross your arms. So, try crossing them in a different way. You can do it, effortlessly. However, it doesn’t feel natural. It is just like our personality preferences within ourselves.
Let’s begin with this framework.
The primary aspect is “How do you prefer to gain energy?” there may be an extroverted way and an introverted way.
Not so long ago, I continually notion that I’m an introvert. Due to the fact, I don’t like loud parties, nightclubs, going to my high school reunion or attending some networking events that are full of strangers.
However, I don’t mind spending hours speaking or discussing exciting matters with my friends, and I usually feel energized if I am getting involved in a positive social situation.
Then I knew that I am without a doubt an extrovert. This is about energy. Extroverts need their energy to go out and, whilst it goes out, it comes bouncing back to them. While the introverts need their energy to go in. by looking at thoughts, impressions, facts inside their head, they create greater energy.
Let’s go to the next one, which is how we collect data. The preference pairs here are sensing and intuition.
As for me, I prefer sensing. I like things to be practical, actual, real. By contrast, intuitive types like possibilities, meanings, emotions.
If I display the sensing and intuitive types in the same picture, they’ll interpret it in a different way.
For instance, if I display the image of the beach, the sensing type might say they see sands, blue ocean, coconut trees, people in bikinis, and so on meanwhile, the intuitive types would possibly say they see family holiday, sunny happy day, dancing coconut trees and waves.
They are seeing the same picture, however, they’re seeing different things inside their heads.
Now, once you have data in, you want to figure out what to do with it, and that leads us to the third preference pair: thinking and feeling.
I am a thinking type. I logically observe the world.
So, on this decision-making system, thinking types step back from the decision. They examine the facts and statistics that they have got, in an objective manner. They have a look at the pros and cons.
However, when the feeling types step into the decision-making. They think, “How is this going to affect people? How does this match with my value system?”
The feeling type does not imply making decisions primarily based on emotions. They just prefer in making decision based on their values and keep the surrounding harmony.
The last one is how we like to go about living our lives. The preferences are Judging and Perceiving.
“Judging” here would not mean “judgmental.” What judging types love to do is organize things, make decisions, get on with it, whilst perceiving types like to kind of go with the flow and be spontaneous and keep collecting data.
I’m a judging type, I like to make lists, I love to check off things from the list.
My husband is perceiving types. His life is about options, it’s about going with the flow.
So, you may imagine what happens. It’s chaos.
When we go on vacation, I usually make precise travel plans. What time do we have to arrive at the hotel. What transportation should we use from the airport. I’m making my plan and should follow it. As you know, judging is about, “let’s make a choice and get on with it”
However, for perceiving types, they choose to have no plan. For them life is full of alternatives, they need to experience their life without a predicament, and it is no decision before its time. So he simply abandoned the plan and randomly walked around exploring an unknown area.
That makes me stressed out because I’ve made our vacation plan however he didn’t want to comply with that.
Let’s stop talking about my case.
Now we’ve been given four preference pairs. We’ve got how you gain energy: extroversion or introversion, how you collect data: sensing or intuition, how you make decisions: thinking or feeling, and how you live your life: judging or perceiving.
There are sixteen viable particular types within this.
My particular type happens to be ESTJ: I’m extroverted, sensing, thinking, and judging.
As you may see as an extrovert I like speaking with people, as a sensing type I like detailed actual and objective information, I don’t truly like poems and nonsense fiction, I like practical “how-to” videos or articles. I’m truly realistic. As a thinker, I constantly see things as they’re, usually measure pros and cons before making decisions and as a judging type, i like the whole thing organized in order. I have my daily, monthly, and yearly goals and to-do list.
Finally, why should we recognize personality types?
There are reasons.
One is, it assists you to understand that that other person isn’t always truly trying to drive you crazy on purpose. They just see the world in a different way than you do.
And the second reason is it allows you to understand more about yourself so that you can forgive yourself when you’re not perfect. However, that does not excuse you from trying.
TEDx Talks. (2017, February 3). What’s your type? | Jean Kummerow | TEDxGrinnellCollege [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/gBkIyJ7kf_I
Drenth, A. J. (2013). The 16 personality types: Profiles, theory, and type development. Andrew Drenth.