Benefits and Unique Challenges of Global Branding
Maintaining and controlling a global brand is more complicated compared to a local brand. It is because the company needs to ensure the consistency of the brand identity all over the world so that the company can maintain the trust of a global audience (Dan & Jason, 2020). Not only brand identity but also product quality and customer service. The language barriers might impact the company in some ways that the company should ensure the quality of the content translation for the product.
Another challenge is the cultural barriers. The global brand must be aware of the local social norms, religion, ethics, and other cultural things that should be considered. The next challenge is managing a diversified team across the countries. Coordinating a globally dispersed team requires great efforts especially in internal communication and management system.
Benefits of globalizing a brand
According to Dan & Jason (2020), The potential expansion of revenue streams is possibly the main reason why a company decides to take its brand global. Globalization has made it almost impossible for companies to provide five-star customer service in all parts of the world. By globalizing a brand, the company can increase its product value and reach more customers.
White, D. (2020, March 11). 32 benefits of branding: Why you must have a strong brand? Techfunnel.
Dan, & Jason. (2020, April 19). The 4 challenges that affect a brand’s global reach. Global Marketing Professor.
This article is written based on University of The People Marketing Management (BUS 5112) written assignment by Fristy Tania in September 2021