ESTJ Learning Style
An ESTJ’s interest in learning a subject is stimulated by the question, “Does this solve a problem?” If the answer is yes, the more thoroughly and specifically they can learn how the greater their interest in the topic and the greater their desire to apply what they learn. Their interest in studying something is driven by the desire to gain practical experience in the implementation of certain ideas or activities.
ESTJs are capable of processing material built on a logical framework, as well as large amounts of information lacking logical cohesion. They easily comprehend new material when it is demonstrated using straightforward, real-life examples. ESTJs understand the material in concrete, factual way, and they immediately grasp how it can be used. Visual aids and active learning methods substantially improve their learning. ESTJs learn noticeably well in an organized educational system (e.g., an organized degree or certification program), but can also learn from sources not unified by a single formal learning process (e.g., individual courses or readings).
ESTJs are able to actively, accurately, and proficiently apply the material they have learned well and understood in straightforward tasks.
ESTJs are highly tolerant to high levels of learning-related stress. They prefer to evenly distribute their efforts when learning new material, although they are also capable of learning through relatively short periods of overexertion.
ESTJs tend to do well in group discussions and learning situations. They like to think out loud with their peers and discuss facts and ideas in order to understand the concepts better. They may struggle when paired with perceiving students as these types take a more adaptive, informal approach in contrast to their own focused, structured approach. As extroverts, ESTJs enjoy doing hands-on projects and working with their peers. They are usually quite happy to take a leadership position and organize group discussions and activities.
According to the MBTI® Manual, ESTJs have high academic self-esteem and are left, hemisphere learners. They are the most frequent of the types among industrial and technical teachers as well as among vocational teachers. They are also among the four types with the highest overall undergraduate grades.
An ESTJ’s learning is improved when:
- Material is presented in practical terms
- Active learning methods such as debates, brainstorming and contests are used
- The same material is repeatedly presented (improves retention)
- There is logical consistency in the delivery of material
- Material is presented from varied viewpoints or using varied examples (improves retention)
- They do group work with the material (gives an advantage over independent work)
- Material is delivered at a moderate or fast pace
- Lecture materials are available (can improve exam preparation)
An ESTJ’s learning is hindered when:
- Material is overly conceptual
- Material lacks practical application (noticeably reduces interest)
- Material appeals primarily to the finer feelings
Human Metrics. (2022). ESTJ learning style. HumanMetrics — online relationships, personality and entrepreneur tests, personal solution center.
Psychology Junkie. (2020, January 13). The learning styles of every Myers-Briggs® personality type.