Heal Your Mind, Live a Happy Life
What is happiness and how to live a happy life?
That would be one of the most asked questions in life. Sometimes we are too harsh to ourselves. We are easier to forgive someone else rather than ourselves. We hurt ourselves in the end.
Then how to heal our mind and living a happy life?
First, we should accept ourselves first. Accept our situation and condition right now. Then next we need to practice gratitude for all the problems happened in our life. Lastly, we need to do contemplation, think about who’ve we hurt, including ourselves.
Okay now, let’s learn the step by step on how to do that:
- See it with detachment by visualizing yourself as if you are watching yourself in the theater. As if a movie about your life was played on the big theater screen. Watch it as a viewer without any judgment. Don’t get stuck with emotion and try to find out what is the real issue without judging which one is right or which one is wrong.
- Accept the responsibility, then say I’m sorry, and I understand that I created it at some level.
- Be grateful for everything. Count your bless and remember all the precious moment in your life
- Lastly, let go of all the hard feeling
It might be easier on paper rather than practicing in real life. But trust me, practice makes perfect.
Forgive yourself, heal your mind, then let’s live a happy life.