Seeing The World from a Different Prespective
I used to see the world from my point of view, I never tried to understand what other people think. My “small” world shapes my way of thinking. I was one of those narrow-minded people. In my world, I used to judge people by his/her deeds. Right or Wrong. Black and White. I use my own standard to judge them. If they do something that is considered as a bad deed based on my moral standard, then I will judge them as bad person. The consequences is: I don’t have friends from other groups. I just stick to my “boring” and “arrogant” community who always think of themselves as pure humans without sins.
It happened until God showed me that we can’t judge others by their appearance or by their action without knowing what they are going through. My eyes started opening slowly when I met my husband. We used to be in a long-distance relationship back then. I was in Jakarta and He was in Yokohama. Sometimes we spent hours discussing philosophical things by video calls or voice calls. Then at that time, I realized that the world I used to know is just a small world.
There is one sentence he said to me that gave me a deep impact. That is: “You can’t force your values into others who have a different life with you”
In that time we are talking about the Asmat tribes in Papua, Indonesia who don’t want to wear clothes or go to school even though the Indonesian government has a program to educate them.
“You can’t force Asmat people to wear clothes the same as you or other Indonesian. You can’t ask them to adopt civilization if they don’t want to. They have lived in the forest since a long long time ago. They have had no problem naked since then. Why did you get troubled so much? If they are happy with their life, let them be. Your values is different from them”
And I said. “But that’s wrong!”
Then my husband said something like this: “There is no right or wrong in this world. Everyone’s values are different. Try to see from their perspective”
Yes, life is colorful. Not only black and white, but there are also so many colors in this world. No right or wrong. Everything is complementary to each other.
God Almighty is the most loving and caring. He never asks us to hate each other. He tells us to love each other including ourselves. Do what your heart tells. Wear whatever is safe and comfortable for you.
So, what color is your world? Have you seen the world using a different perspective?